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Posts posted by danto

  1. When you see 4k it is almost beyond the experience of 480p - 1080p, I agree free to air will take time, but where you wills see 4k is the internet. It will only take a company like apple to launch a 4k iMac. TV manufacturers need to sell units after the 3D fail, they will be the ones pushing this.

  2. I have now shot two high end TVC with the 1D C, I wasnt sure at first but having seen 4k Playback on a 4K monitor I would not shoot anything else, 4k will be everywhere in 3 to 4 years and I dont want to have to ditch my footage like anything that I have on SD now, so shooting 4k at this time is future proofing.

    I could have shot on RED, Alexa, but chose the 1D C with Cinema primes, the image is beautiful, and no camera touches its low light ability, it is made to hammer in nails, the BMC still has to prove this to me, I cant afford it to break on a shoot. For the same price as RED I had 2 x 1D C on set, the workflow was easy, you do have to be spot on with exposure.

    I agree in the form, it does need a few things to to make it "More Movie" but I feel at this stage its to get the 1D X users into 4K, they know where all the controls are, and when you have a new toy sometimes you just want to pick it up, shoot and know you are doing, familiarity I guess is the thought.


    For what we shot it was the only camera of choice, I think this camera is not getting the respect it deserves, as well as being 4k it is also one of the worlds best stills cameras.

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