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Nanashi Studios

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Posts posted by Nanashi Studios

  1. non of those ........get a Panasonic GH2 it kills all the above

    add a Nick Driftwood hack to it and you have a stunning cinema quility camera

    I cannot stress how good this camera is

    blow the Canons and Nikons out the water


    I like the GH2. I've seen some of the test footage and it looks very nice. But at the moment, I have the ability to get one of these 3 cameras at ridiculously reasonable prices for a new one. I'd have to hunt through eBay and other used sources for a GH2. And based on what I've seen on eBay, the prices can vary widely.

  2. Typically I have been shooting DV on my Panasonic DVX-100B, but since more and more people(potential clients) have asked me to shoot DSLR I figured it might be time to buy something for those times. I'm not looking to break the bank just yet, just a good all around body that I can start getting some great lenses for.


    It appears to be coming down to 3 choices: the Canon 60D, Nikon D5200, or the Nikon D7000. If anyone can share their experiences and thoughts on each it would really be helpful. I've practically spent the last week looking at reviews and screen tests, so I just need some opinions to go along with what I've read so far.


    So with that in mind I would really appreciate everyones help with this decision. Thanks.




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