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Posts posted by wolfkil

  1. Hello, I just came recently across this very nice page. So please forgive in case I missed something I may ask here. And I am a pure hobby photographer so not at all aiming at > 1k € equipment.


    Indeed the 5100 looks very interesting to replace my six year old Nikon DSLR and hopefully altogether my Pana-mini-DV cam. What I am still a little bit concerned is the rolling shutter effect and the jerking when doing panning (is there a fixed word for this effect?). There are still these HD camcorders around (e.g. Panasonic HC-X909) with a comparable price as the 5200 but solely aimed at shooting video. So do they anything better than a 5200 or GH3 (as I told I will never think of a class like 5D)?


    Sorry for this non-pro question here. But in case that you have tested a pro-sumer camcorder like the HC-X909 I would be interested on your experiences.


    Thanks again


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