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Posts posted by Hinterland

  1. I have no problem with your personal preferences.

    But I feel you could do with using your eyes a bit more and brain a bit less.

    There's no way the 5D3 comes close to the Blackmagic in terms of resolution. I don't need to see a chart to see that. Slashcam based in Berlin are one of the most reputable professional review sites in Europe and if they say it has 600 lines then why would I doubt them?

    I'm planning to do a chart test with Falk Lumo of the 5D3 and GH2, but due to being so busy have not yet printed the charts. Charts do act as proof. In the meantime, your eyes and ears are just as accurate.

    I think you're over simplifying the situation. I don't think anyone will argue (at least once we see charts) that you won't get a sharper image, a more grade-able image, and more dynamic range with the BMC vs any of the available DSLR's. However there are a lot of really valid reasons to shoot on a DSLR instead of the BMC. I plan to most likely purchase a BMC (unless the KineRaw proves to tick more of my boxes) but I'm sure I'll still shoot projects on my 5D mark II that I feel fit the ergonomics and "look" of the that camera. Much like how I continued to use an HVX200A with a 35mm adaptor for certain projects after DSLR's took over that segment/price range of the market.

    I basically look at camera's as film stocks. Every camera has a unique look that goes far beyond it's specs. It comes down to the ways in which the camera's sensors render color, highlights, skin tones etc.. This is why on paper the RED EPIC seems superior to the Arri Alexa yet the Alexa continues to get used on lot's of feature films, commercials, etc.. (supposedly WAY more than the RED)

    It's because some Cinematographers, Directors, and Producers prefer the look (and ergonomics and workflow) of the Alexa to RED.

    It's like instead of choosing between Fuji or Kodak or 5218 stock vs 5213 stock we're now deciding between cameras.
  2. [quote name='EOSHD' timestamp='1346116427' post='16665']
    Sure the C300 is nice but I don't agree with your assessment of the FS700, it isn't a gimmick camera or a bitch.

    And I know a lot of bitches and gimmicks :)

    The FS700 is one of the most future proof cameras out there not to mention the fact it is a full $6000 cheaper than the C300. Again the codec issue is sorted out by a $200 external box the size of a 2.5" USB hard drive, and again I just don't agree that it falls a long way short of the C300. The F3's image is actually superior to the C300, because it is 10bit and LOG. That makes a difference, more so than the fancy sub-sampling on the C300's sensor.
    [/quote][quote name='EOSHD' timestamp='1346116427' post='16665']
    Sure the C300 is nice but I don't agree with your assessment of the FS700, it isn't a gimmick camera or a bitch.

    And I know a lot of bitches and gimmicks :)

    The FS700 is one of the most future proof cameras out there not to mention the fact it is a full $6000 cheaper than the C300. Again the codec issue is sorted out by a $200 external box the size of a 2.5" USB hard drive, and again I just don't agree that it falls a long way short of the C300. The F3's image is actually superior to the C300, because it is 10bit and LOG. That makes a difference, more so than the fancy sub-sampling on the C300's sensor.

    Sorry to ask this again but you didn't answer

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Does the FS700 output in HD higher than 8 bit through it's HD-SDI? I couldn't seem to confirm this anywhere. I know it's supposed to be 10bit (or 12bit?) when the eventual 4K recorder/firmware comes out but I'm confused about what it outputs in HD. Everything I saw online tells me that in HD the HD-SDI out is only 8 bit.. This is a big deal to me since the C300 can output to an external recorder 422 ProRes as well but it's only 8 bit...[/font][/color]
  3. [quote name='EOSHD' timestamp='1346092579' post='16626']
    The C300 fan boy speaks!

    The FS700 is 4K capable with an external recorder. How does the image not compare? Sure the internal codec is not as good as 50Mbit 4-2-2 but via HD-SDI to a $200 HyperDeck Shuttle it is 220Mbit ProRes 4-2-2 and BBC approved!

    In low light the FS100 and C300 are similar, the FS700 slightly behind but only by around 1 stop.

    I prefer the ergonomics and build quality of the C300 but in terms of the image, come to me when I am shooting 4K ProRes on my FS700 and tell me it doesn't compete to your 8bit 1080p.

    Does the FS700 output in HD higher than 8 bit through it's HD-SDI? I couldn't seem to confirm this anywhere. I'm really curious to see what Sony does with 4K recording for the FS700. Hopefully it's the done in the most cost effective and democratic way possible!
  4. Hopefully the 1DC doesn't street at $15,000 and instead comes in lower (much like the C300 list price vs street). The main selling point (or rental point) I see for this camera is it's size/weight, silent operation, weather proofing, internal recording to CF cards, being able to swap between FF HD, 4K APS-C and APS-H, and low light performance. I for one am very excited about the weather sealing!

    It's regretfully not a camera for the ultra low budget filmmaking which is too bad. However it does fit very well into a certain niche commercial market.

    Just to clarify by commercial I mean sets that are dictated more by finical concerns then purely artistic desires
  5. I'm really excited to get my hands on a BMC and feel what it's like to shoot handheld with it. For me a cameras handheld ergonomics come a very close second to image quality. When operating I much prefer physical buttons and switches to a touch screen controls (basing this off of the RED). I need to be able to make adjustments without lowering the camera from my shoulder or having to look at a screen. This is because the majority of what I shoot is handheld and on the fly. I'm interested to see if it's possible to rig the BMC in a way that makes accessing the touch screen easier and more natural then my experience on the EPIC and SCARLET.

    Even if I can rig in a way that makes the ergonomics work for the documentary, run and gun television work, and lifestyle projects I shoot I don't see the BMC being the best choice. For obvious reasons like weather proofing, built in ND's, Storage, Post production budgets, etc..I'm a bit spoiled because I've been shoot professionally for a while and can pretty much select the best camera on a job by job basis and the production will rent it.

    The BMC is incredibly interesting to me for more controlled "cinema" applications. I'm so incredibly happy that BM has come out with this camera and I have nothing but positive praise for them! Even if I shoot with the BMC and decide that it isn't the camera for me I will still be incredibly happy that they've brought this camera to the market. It can't help but create competition and innovation (just like the RED ONE did).

    I'm thrilled to live in a time when we have so many amazing cameras

    I think DSLR's will still have a place in the market because of their size, photo capabilities, simplicity, not to mention price (the GH2 or the 5D II with the mosaic filter are still very much valid choices on a budget).

    Cheers to having so many wonderful options!

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