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Joe Santarromana

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Posts posted by Joe Santarromana

  1. Andrew is a man that questions authority which is a good thing cause in the landscape of high industry trying to sell you their wares I find you cant really accept anyone at face value, they will always attempt to swing everything in their favor... because its in their best interest to. I often see posts here where someone is so angry at Andrew and Im trying to understand why they're so pissed and I don't think its because Andrew is wrong its either because Andrew challenges their reality of what they believe is right and/or wrong and the person puts so much emphasis on this information to formulate their identity when a conflicting report is announce they fall into a violent uncontrolled spiral that ends in rage, or if that is not the case they work for or bought into the ideals of the product being challenged and rage to protect their bank accounts or their egos. When I read the comment about "Learning his place" it made my skin crawl. The consumer is King/Queen and decides what products is relevant to us not the swing doctors hired by the corporations or the corporations. Keep questions them Andrew!
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