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Posts posted by BenjaminChan

  1. I'm wondering what the audio recording is like on this camera. I'm not expecting much, but just hope the noise isn't too harsh. Of course the mic wil pickup every sound in the surrounding environment, and i can live with that, it's just to know if the audio can be used for grabbing some documentary type dialogue on the fly (like i sometimes do with my T3i or 100HS when i need to capture something in a second, and have no time to setup a dual system or external mic). I bought the S100 and was so dissapointed with the audio when recording video. As soon as you are in a somewhat quiet environment, you can hear the noise floor/loud preamps; it's like a constant waterfall in the background. It makes audio useless most of the times. Plus the autofocus of the S100 introduces loud motor noises onto the soundtrack as well. Very dissapointing seeing as my 130$ Canon 100HS point & shoot has much more acceptable audio recording capabilities. Anyways, just wondering how the RX100's audio recording compared to this, as it would be nice to be able to record clips in which the audio can be usable, as when shooting personal events and such with friends and family, and not having to take out a separate audio recording system every time you wish to capture your uncle's dirty stories... Thx for your input! Really appreciate!
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