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Posts posted by macuser88

  1. [size=18pt][font=arial]"A few days ago Canon con­firmed the light leak issue in the 5D Mark III: 'In extremely dark envi­ron­ments, if the LCD panel illu­mi­nates, the dis­played expo­sure value may change as a result of the AE sensor’s detec­tion of light from the LCD panel. Canon is now exam­in­ing the coun­ter­mea­sures and once the coun­ter­mea­sures are decided, we will post the infor­ma­tion on our Web site.'"[/size]
    Find out more details from this article by photographer/educator Eduardo Angel: [url=http://eduardoangel.com/2012/04/25/canons-light-leak-issue/]http://eduardoangel.com/2012/04/25/canons-light-leak-issue/[/url]


  2. [img]http://www.g-technology.com/products/_images/g-drive/g-drive_rearview_large.jpg[/img]

    Great new article from Canon that explains the differences between Solid State Hard Drives and Hard Disk Drives:


    To read more click the link above.

    Selection from article:

    "Advantages of Solid-state Drives
    SSDs can instantly read and/or write twice as fast HDDs. This is a clear advantage when booting a computer, downloading large files, opening software applications, or working on highly demanding tasks like photo or video editing. A critical deciding factor is the controller (the "brain") behind a SSD. A mediocre controller with a top rated SSD may end up being slower than a conventional HDD.

    SSDs do not need to be defragmented, and they stand a better chance of surviving a drop or impact. Strong magnetic fields, like speakers or even cell phones, can corrupt the data on a HDD, while SSDs are unaffected by magnets. SSDs consume less power (2W SDD vs. 7W HDD typical power consumption), and produce less heat, which greatly expands the life and battery performance on laptops and other portable devices."
  3. [font=arial][size=14pt]I am a fanatic about Hitchcock!  I just had a recent conversation with a friend, who is a professional digital video editor and loves Hitchcock also![/size][/font]

    Check this out when you have a chance. Starts at 1:38.

    <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/37334381?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/37334381">Conversations with Friends • Episode 004</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/eduardoangel">Eduardo Angel</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>
  4. [url=http://eduardoangel.com/2012/03/10/upgrading-to-adobe-lightroom-4-in-7-simple-steps/Here is the best how-to on Upgrading to Adobe Lightroom 4, hassle free.]http://eduardoangel.com/2012/03/10/upgrading-to-adobe-lightroom-4-in-7-simple-steps/Here is the best how-to on Upgrading to Adobe Lightroom 4, hassle free. [/url]

    The fol­low­ing steps can be used to upgrade Light­room 1, Light­room 2 or Light­room 3, as well as Light­room 4 Beta catalogs.

    Step 1. Down­load and Install Light­room 4

    Step 2. On your Mac’s finder, find the loca­tion of your Light­room 3 catalog. It should look some­thing like name.lrcat


    Step 3. Right click on that file and select “open with Adobe Pho­to­shop Light­room 4″


    Step 4. You should see the “Light­room Cat­a­log Upgrade” dia­log. Be very care­ful with this step. Cat­a­log names can NOT be changed later. I strongly sug­gest you click on “change” and deter­mine the best loca­tion and name for your upgraded catalog.


    —Click to con­tinue
    As you can see I cre­ated a new FOLDER (EAP_LR4_Laptop) and a new CATALOG name EAP_LR4_Laptop.


    You might be won­der­ing why I picked this nam­ing struc­ture. Sim­ple:
    EAP stands for Eduardo Angel Pho­tog­ra­phy
    LR4 is obvi­ously Light­room 4
    And Lap­top is the loca­tion of the Cat­a­log, the place where all my Light­room set­tings (key­words, pre­sets, pre­views, plug-ins, etc) will be stored. This is espe­cially impor­tant if you often shoot on loca­tion and need to sync tem­po­rary cat­a­logs to your per­ma­nent cat­a­log. See our pre­vi­ous post with step-by-step instruc­tions on how to do this.

    Step 5. Ready? Jump! Hit “Cre­ate” and then “Upgrade”


    Keep in mind that Light­room will cre­ate a NEW cat­a­log inside the new folder we just cre­ated. The old pre­views will me moved to the new loca­tion but the old Light­room 3 Cat­a­log will still exist in your sys­tem. I rec­om­mend keep­ing this file for a cou­ple of weeks until you have con­firmed that all the images and set­tings were upgraded correctly.


    Time for a quick cof­fee break. Depend­ing on your sys­tem specs, how many images you have, the file sizes, pre­sets etc, the upgrade can take sev­eral min­utes. I have over 50,000 RAW files and 600 pre­sets, and the upgrade took less than 4 min­utes.

    Step 6. We are almost there. You now see the “Enable reverse geocod­ing” dia­log, which is basi­cally ask­ing for per­mi­sion to access Google Maps. Even though I am NOT happy with Google’s recent pri­vacy pol­icy changes, I rec­om­mend enabling this fea­ture so you can use the brand new Map Mod­ule.


    If later on you regret feed­ing Big Brother more infor­ma­tion, you can dis­able this fea­ture under the “Meta­data” tab of the “Cat­a­log Set­tings” Dialog.

    Step 7. Done! We have suc­cess­fully upgraded our Light­room 3 cat­a­log into a brand new Light­room 4 catalog.


    One last thing to con­sider: Any new changes done in Light­room 4 will not be avail­able in pre­vi­ous ver­sions of Light­room. What this means is, if you are in the mid­dle of a project, fin­ish it in Light­room 3 and then do the upgrade. Now is time to play.
  5. [size=12pt]This is just beautiful footage:

    A beau­ti­ful test video shot on the Canon EOS C300 at the East­ern State Pen­i­ten­tiary, in Philadel­phia, PA. The video shows the ungraded Canon Log ver­sion and includes the ISO data for each shoot. The qual­ity is amazing.[/size]


    [url=http://vimeo.com/36233022]Eastern State Penitentiary Canon C300 - Canon Log w/ ISO Data[/url]
  6. [b]Check out the article below to find out more information on these seminars:[/b]


    Abel Cine in New York, is hosting 2 events: 1 of them being this week, introducing the new Canon C300. A similar event will be held in February.

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