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Found 5 results

  1. Hi, I'm starting doing anamorphic photography and EOSHD has been great helping me understanding this technic. I'm shooting with a Nikon Df that have a 3:2 ratio. My anamorphic adapter is a Kowa Prominar 16-H 2x. To find the aspect ratio, I took a photo at home to a circular box and squeezed the image until it turned circular. It gave me a ratio of 2,82:1, as you can see in this image https://www.dropbox.com/s/bmq13xv97syuzx5/DSC_7602_2%2C82.jpg?dl=0 I read an article somewhere that talked about a value of 2,66:1. I tried that but the box resulted a little ovalized https://www.dropbox.com/s/qxmxy9qtn9iokgi/DSC_7602_2%2C66.jpg?dl=0 Is my aspect ratio correct? I have this doubt because I can't find anywhere what's the best ratio when we are shooting in 3:2. My first anamorphic images with a 2,82:1 ratio https://www.flickr.com/photos/96852153@N00/sets/72157649089398262/ Thank you, Nuno Boavida
  2. Hello everyone, We are planning to shoot a very low budget feature film this summer and I have some questions on the camera set we will use and I hope you can help me on some of the following: 1. The 16:9 sensor on the GH2 + a 2x anamorphic adapter produces a final stretched anamorphic aspect of 3.55. Which would result in (1920x1080)*(2)= 3840x1080. Instead of doing the decompression from 2x, I want to interpret the shot as if pixels would be 1.333 or 1.4587. I know it keeps the image still a little deform but I think I like the look. Whats your technical and/or creative take on it? (SEE IMAGES BELOW) 2. We would project it on standard 2k (2048×1080) DCP cinemas and the final cut would fit into it with a 2048x858 (2.39:1) size movie. Am I right? or does it work in another way? 3. I am currently using Sedna AQ1 for max detail against anamorphic softening against big screen projection. Do you think it will hold enough? Would you sharpen in post? Whats you recommend any other hack? Given this 3 points which would be your opinion on this process? Have any of you seen any gh2 anamorphic content projected in 2k dcp? How does it stand? Thanks for your help! P.D. Anyone selling a Kowa 16-h (8z) In order not to be so limited with the 16D in lens minimum mm´s?
  3. A Day at the Zoo with a Kowa Prominar 16-D in front of a Nikon (e) 50mm f/1.8 using the Redstan clamp.
  4. Hello all this is my first post/comment. I've come into a Sankor 16-D, a Kowa Prominar 16-S and an Eiki 16C and I'm trying to get any and all information I can on how to get the most out of them. I'm shooting with a Panasonic GH2. I haven't picked up a prime lens to use with any of them as I'm not quite sure of the best one (or ones). I have picked up the Anamorphic Shooters Guide (2nd Edition) from EOSHD so I have some small idea. (I don't think any of these are actually listed in that guide though.)   Any advice would be helpful, which is lens is best, reliable and affordable adapters, best taking lenses, anything. I'm having trouble finding info on the internet but maybe there is a forum or guide that would be helpful somewhere I haven't looked.   Anyway, thanks and I'm looking forward to whatever help you all can offer.   ktrufant
  5. Hello, I'm new to this forum and lately got a wonderful Kowa Prominar Anamorphic 16-H lens for my 5D MKII. For attachment I'm looking for the front and back clamps of the famous redstan brand. I contacted the manufacturer several times via ebay and his website, but alas, until now, without any success. Any help and tips on this matter are kindly appreciated. Thanks for any advice in advance! Kind regards.
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