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  1. I have been thinking about a rehousing project for a while now. What I want to do is rehouse the taking lens and the anamorphic adapter in one lens body. Originally I though about converting to a single focus system , calculating focus distances for each lens and adjusting the two helicals or grooves so that the Helios and the SUN would move together with the turn of a single focus ring. Now the calculation and the actual creation of at least one nonlinear helicoid would not be an easy task so for now I am designing a lens body for dual focus.   There should be two lens groups that move separately: Front group is the front lens group from the SUN Back group is the back lens group from the SUN and both lens groups from the Helios   This way when I turn the rear focus ring not only the taking lens focuses, but also the distance of the two SUN glass parts changes (the anamorphic part focuses in the right direction, but not exactly the right amount). The front focus ring would only need minor adjustment.   Goals: Two lenses in one body Easier focusing Reversing the focus ring turn direction on the SUN glass part Reduced minimum focusing distance Tough, durable body (probably an inner shell from one piece of aluminium) Very small amount of parts (harder to machine so we'll see) No alignment issues Canon EF mount Built-in tripod mount (proper balance on a tripod) non-rotating 58mm filter thread (the current mod has a rotating thread)   I will post some drawing to clarify what I wrote above.
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