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Found 5 results

  1. selling my gold ultra star close focus at 5 feet, comes with a helios 44-2, +1,+2,+4 diopter set, nd filter, step up rings, vid atlantic clamp. going for $350 or best offer. http://www.ebay.com/itm/anamorphic-lens-bundle-/261587403668?
  2. Hey, I randomly came across this on ebay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Xume-72mm-Camera-Lens-Filter-Adapter-Ring-holder-Pro-kit-Kenko-Hoya-B-W-fit-/171066254292?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27d457e3d4 Sounds like it would be great for faster Diopter changes. Few of my concerns (besides a hundred bucks for magnets) are possible vignetting? I know I get some vignetting when I stack diopters on my isco 36, full frame. Anyone have any experiences with these?
  3. Hi guys... I'm finishing a feature soon that has been shot mostly anamorphic on the LA7200. Lot of documentary and exterior type scenes but now I'm getting into fiction and dialogue and need to really kit the adapter out. I was positive when Letus announced their adapter that it would be the route I would go but I just can't find enough footage to convince me about it...something seems off, Letus won't answer my questions, whole thing is weird. As such I'd like to get the LA7200 at the peak of where it can be. As messed up as it is, it seems to have something special. Remains to be seen if it will hold up in front of a GH4 but I have to try. I cannot find anything on ebay. I can pay via credit card or paypal and shipping is to Florida. I'd be looking for a Kenko +.3 105mm or similar, any of the larger .25 or even .5 options, and/or whatever else you guys suggest but I tend to go wide so smaller stuff won't work.
  4. Hi there, I have just got a Kowa 16D over the weekend. I am completely new to this and I have read on this forum and elsewhere, but I am not sure yet of what lens and clamps are best. Apparently, the Kowa 16D is not the same as the 8Z, as they say here. I have seen that in a lot of videos people is using the Helios 44 with Redstan Clamps. Is this the best for the Kowa 16D? I have also seen that some guys are using the Nikon 50mm. I have got a Panasonic GH2 with a SLR Magic 25mm T0.95. So I believe I will need to buy a lens anyway. I would like to also add some diopters as well. If you guys have some suggestions, I will very much appreciate any comments. Thank you PS: I am at work and I have the lens at home, so I will post some pictures later.
  5. So, I came across a big lot of 4.5" filters, including a few close ups, and bought them, since they're huge, but now I cant figure a safe, decent way to mount them in front of a lens!   Anyone has experience with this? Maybe fitting them to threaded rings? Thanks!
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