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  1. In reading and responding to this post please keep in mind I am an amateur who only makes very little money shooting stock video. I mostly want this camera for hobby purposes. With the march to 4k in full swing (ie GH4, Sony FDR-AX100, BMPC 4k, Galaxy Note III, etc) where does that leave the BMCC? Is the BMCC a reasonable camera to buy used now or should people wait for more price reductions? I have always been averse to owning Black Magic cameras. Their lack of pedigree in the camera field and the delays and bugs scared me off. But at this stage if I could pick up a BMCC with Resolve for $1,500ish is this something wise to do? The reason I ask is of all the new wave of cameras to lauch in the last couple of years the BMCC seems like the cheapest to get up and running. I could use my ef lenses on it and SSDs have come down in price. $1,500 is still a lot of money but I could shoot the camera on day one just by adding an SSD. I don't need to shoot for hours. I mostly shoot 10-30 second clips. So there is not a pressing need for an external battery. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks.
  2. In the poll if you bought your 50D in a package deal, as best you can, estimate the portion that was due just to the Canon 50D body sans grips, lenses, flashes, etc.   I picked up a Canon 50D a couple of weeks ago for a little more than $350.  That was about the price I heard being kicked around months ago.   The question I have is was there ever a bubble post ML RAW announcement?  When I check eBay in the United States there seems to be a continuous unbroken stream of Canon 50Ds offered for sale.  Most of the body only sales can be had for $330-$430.   I also notice a lot of the 50Ds are sold with accessories.  The battery grip seems popular.  Rather puzzlingly kit lenses seem popular as well.  I always preferred to get the consumer line of cameras and use the money I saved to get primes and L glass.  It's strange to me that so many people opt for semi-pro bodies and things like battery grips and then skimp on the lens.   So is the lack of the predicted 50D bubble an indication of how niche video on DSLRs and particularly RAW on DSLRs is?    
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