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  1. Hi! The band I made this video for finally released it and I'm very happy, so I wanted to share it with you guys.   It was a lot of work and it's not without its flaws, but considering the crew (three people including me apart from the make-up artist) and the time we had it came out quite decent.   Please tell me what you think!   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhqTsAmPYYs   By the way, I shot it with the Driftwood Apocalypse Now! 6GOP Nebula patch, and the lenses I used were:   · Rokinon 28mm f2.8 · Minolta MD 50mm f1.7 · Minolta MD 135mm f2.8   If you have any questions just ask!
  2. Hi! I wanted to share with you our new channel (which has actually existed for some time now, but it's only now that we've officially launched it). It's a way for us to work on very short narrative videos every week and get to be a little more known on what we do, and specially sharing the stuff we've made and we'll keep on making. There's mostly old shorts by now, the majority of them being comedy and a few drama and action oriented, among others. Still, our strength as a group is comedy and these are some of the highlights (all of them feature English subs, so please enable them if you need to):   First, the promo for the channel: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfEdp5fH95o"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfEdp5fH95o[/url]   Now this is a teaser we made for a contest, and it's a movie that we've been working on in several ways for a long time, but it still remains to be shot (this is a fake teaser, as was requested by this contest). Shot on the HV20!: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TG04H-8jjvU"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TG04H-8jjvU[/url]   And finally the only short we've shot on the GH2 so far, a kinda advertising spoof: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rylbADFc4I"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rylbADFc4I[/url]   Oh, and this one is very old, it was mostly improvised and there are several "dead times" and other problems with it, but if you enjoy massacres you'll like it. :P [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nPnEPV1bGY"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nPnEPV1bGY[/url]   If you like what you see, please like, comment and subscribe to find out when we release new short films (every thursday is what we're planning), and if you can please give us a Like on Facebook as well! Down at [url="http://www.facebook.com/DDDproducciones"]http://www.facebook.com/DDDproducciones[/url] I hope you like this, and please tell me what you think!
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