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  1. I've been looking everywhere, but I can seem to find anything solid on squeezing anamorphic footage on Premiere Pro, only found methods for FCP. If anyone knows the best method of squeezing 1.5x and 2x anamorphic footage on Premiere Pro, that would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Hey Guys, I am about to shoot some footage on my T3 with my Singer 16d. What do you use to unsqueeze the footage? Premiere Pro? I don't have Final Cut... Also, what's this about using Magic Lantern? What's the advantage?
  3. I am new to the anamorphic arena - and I have some questions regarding workflow for you experienced and professional anamorphic guru's.    Firstly, here's the gear I'm using:   Canon 5D Mark 3 Canon 85mm 1.2 II ISCO 1.75x   Editing with Final Cut Pro 7   My first question is:    Aspect Ratio:  What is the correct aspect ratio for a 1.75x ISCO.  I'm confused as to how to calculate 16:9 with a 1.75x zoom... does this mean that my aspect ratio is 2.35:1?    My second question: What is the proper workflow in order to edit anamorphic footage in fcp?  For example, once I've exported the H.264 footage recorded at 1080i24p into FCP, how do I squeeze the footage in order to use all the precious pixels at 16:9 with a 1.75x zoom?   My third question: Focusing.  Is it normal to not be able to focus my prime lens (manually) when the ISCO is attached?  It seems that I have to remove the ISCO lens in order to adjust focus.  Maybe there's something I'm missing with regards to the electronic mechanisms of the camera/lens that don't work with the ISCO?    I have more questions, but these would be incredibly helpful if someone can help me with these questions.    Thank you in advance!
  4. I just got an email from SmallHD about some of the features of their new DP7 monitors that will be hitting the market this Fall. Of particular interest to the people who frequent this forum: [i][b]ANAMORPHIC DE-SQUEEZE[/b][/i] [i]2x, 1.5x, 1.33x — However your image is squeezed, the DP7 can correct the image to appear at the correct aspect ratio, even with DSLR scale. Particularly handy is the ability to send the un-squeezed picture downstream to other monitors for clients/directors who usually prefer non-squishy images [url="http://www.smallhd.com/site/dp7-pro/roadmap.html"](Coming Fall 2012 via free software upgrade)[/url].[/i] You can already more or less manipulate the DP4 and DP6 to display your 3.55:1 image (as well as the other standard crop ratios), but it's nice that they thought to add it in as a preset. After shelling out all of this dough for anamorphic lenses, not everyone will be able to afford a DP7 (myself included), but I would not be surprised if this is pushed out to the lower-end monitors as well in the next firmware update. Let's hope that the good folks at SmallHD are feeling generous!
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